
Getting Started With Telemedicine: What You Need to Know About Delivering Care Virtually

September 26, 2023
min read

Call it telemedicine, telehealth or even “virtual medicine,” the pandemic signaled a huge rise in its use and acceptance. And both patients and providers alike are embracing it for many medical services, from consultative services such as behavioral health to a “visit” with their primary-care provider. It’s been found to be a safe and convenient alternative (no traffic!) to many medical and dental visits. In fact, according to Harvard Medical School, about one in four American adults over 50 reported they had a virtual care visit during just the first three months of the pandemic alone.

For providers, some might find the concept of adding telehealth to their practice’s processes and tools. But it’s not nearly as difficult as one might think…and can make a significant improvement in productivity and patient show rates.

Telemedicine is here to stay

The pandemic provided the initial shift toward telemedicine, yet it has become clear that it’s here to stay. Many people do not wish to return to in-office visits unless it’s absolutely necessary. Telemedicine offers more safety and convenience.

Behavioral therapy is a modality where telehealth has become especially attractive. Therapists can work from anywhere, allowing healthcare to be more accessible for everyone. Instead of being limited to a particular location, therapists are able to treat patients that live or work further from their office.

It is also more convenient for the clients. They can simply sit down, log onto their device, and start their session. It’s also a more comfortable setting for many people, who can feel safer in their home and thus more capable of opening up to the therapist.

The benefits of telehealth are not just for behavioral therapists. Chiropractors, nutritionists, MDs, physical therapists, occupational therapists and more are offering telehealth options. Some services need to be in person: manual adjustments, acupuncture or massage, for example. However consultations, diagnoses, follow-ups or supervised exercise sessions can all be done virtually.

Moving to digital now may help your practice

Staying relevant and keeping up with technology is a vital component of any business, and the healthcare industry is no different. It’s even more critical that you keep up with the latest technology because patients look for convenience and — especially now — safety.

The added convenience of a virtual experience can also make people more inclined to schedule appointments they may otherwise neglect for fear of long commutes or missing work. They want to connect with their doctors and therapists whenever they need to, and many patients are already turning to this technology.

If you haven’t been utilizing telehealth in your practice, now’s the time to get started. It’s a great way to connect with your patients and build a more personal relationship with them.

Tips for getting started

With PracticeQ, we make telehealth secure and simple. We stay up to date with all of the HIPAA requirements to help you deliver a secure and seamless patient experience. In addition to telehealth, we can transition your practice to being completely paperless with booking widgets, digital intake and treatment notes, invoicing, insurance claims and more.

No worries, no hassles. Try a demo of our integrated practice management solution today! Simplify your practice so you can focus on what truly matters…your patients.

This article was originally published on


Watson, Stephanie. (October 12, 2020). Telehealth: The advantages and disadvantages.

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